What is the Judaism? What is not?

10 December 2024

The recent Israeli attacks on Gaza has reignited debates around classic 20th-century themes such as Israel, Zionism, Palestine, Jerusalem, the USA, Europe, the UK, and Western civilization. These discussions also challenge traditional concepts like the Islamic world, the Ummah, Islamic countries, and Muslims. Although geopolitics, ecopolitics and global order aspects of the issue serve as a backdrop, the theological and religious dimensions always seem to be at the forefront, as if they are the core of the matter but not. This is due to the problem is situated at the very heart of a geographic central to the Torah, Bible, Quran, and additional religious texts, and religions like Hebraism, Christianity, and Islam. However, the ongoing, more intense, and cruel Syrian crisis that occuring geographically in the close vicinity to the aforesaid region, has been caused and carried out by Assad regime along with Iran and Russia, which are responsible for atrocities far greater than Israel’s, has not been-is not being evaluated within the same religious context. This is due to persistent biases, perceptions, and theological beliefs that continue to overshadow the truth hidden within this theological context. The concept of Israel continues to obscure Syria (Assyria) and Iran.

Let’s expand upon and state upfront the conclusion of the study: Judaism, Israel, the Children of Israel, Hebrewism, and Judaism are unrelated, distinct, and different concepts. In mainstream theological writings, these terms have been interwoven and used interchangeably in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religious studies, as well as in general human cultural histograpyh. Religion, or more precisely, the tradition of divine-heavenly faith itself is already a commonly memorized misconception based on the perception encoded as Hebraism and other heavenly religions regarded as interpretations, continuations, or reforms of it. This commonly memorized misconception guides the reading, interpretation, discussion and critique of religious literature like the Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, Mishnah, Bible, Psalms, apocryphal texts, Quran, and Hadiths. The deepest and most persistent and distorted theological beliefs and biases in human history regarding Israel and Judaism stem from this fundamental falsehood. All religious falsehoods are the offspring of this principal lie. The mother of lies is Judaism, whose roots trace back to the İndo-Iranian region.

The Narration of Prophet-Messenger in the Quran and Assyria

Actually, the Christian culture and Islam, namely the texts of the Bible and the Quran, which emerged as a fundamental rejection of these stemmed falsehoods, offer a very clear rebuttal when read outside the influence of these distorted beliefs and biases. Especially the Quran is a rejection and criticism of distorted beliefs and expression of the truth from beginning to end. However, over time, just like Christian texts, the Quran has also been codified as a continuation or a corrected repetition of Judaism and a Jewish-formatted Christianity, as it has been interpreted in the shadow of the fundamental distorted beliefs and biases called Israiliyyat.

Yet, a careful reading shows that the Quran actually uses these concepts in appropriate, indeed, completely different meanings, and tells a different historical story unrelated to the Jewish tradition.

For example, in the Quran, none of the verses narrating the stories of prophets and messengers such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, etc., include the terms Jew or the Children of Israel. In all the verses where the Children of Israel and Moses are narrated, the term Jew does not appear. Even the term Torah is not mentioned. A Scripture was given to Moses. Again, if we discard the vowel points that attune Quran to Jewish literature, Bani Israel is actually Bani Assur. Isra is Assur, and Israel is actually Assur-el. Hadu, mentioned in the Quranic verses about the Jews in Medina, actually refers to the (h)Ad people, that is, the Akkadians mentioned in historical records. And the story narrated with these terms in history is about the invasion of the Mesopotamian-Mediterranean basin, the heart of civilization, namely the Sumerian-Babylonian-Assyrian civilization, by the Indo-Iranian tribes, namely the Akkadians, enslavement and displacement of the people of the region, and then the counter-attack of these peoples with new leaders. Hadu is the name of the remnants of the tribes involved in this invasion, and the term Yehudi (Jew) is used only for these remnant tribes in Medina. In other words, Judaism is not the religion of the Children of Israel (Bani Asur), but rather the name of the enemies of Israel. The Quran can only be understood as a rejection of the entire theological, political, economic, social, and religious amalgam produced by Indo-Iran.

History Once and For All Time

In history, some things happen once and for all time, for all people. And these traumatic events leave universal and historical traces, repeating and continuing. That is, history is experienced as the product, consequence, repetition, continuation, or overcoming of that root event, like the aftershocks of a major tectonic earthquake.

Sumer-Sam Ur and the Flood of Noah

The first major traumatic event in known history is the dispersal of the Nuh-Anoh-Ana people (SamUr) by a flood, known as the first civilization, referred to by Westerners as Sumer but actually known as Sam-ur (Ur means city. Uruk/Iraq, Uruha/Jericho, Nippur, Assyria/Assur, Habur, Urartu, Ursalem, Urmia, Misur…Samur has been used to denote major cities since that time). In the Torah, Sam, still used today as Semitism-Semites, and identified as a son of Noah, actually means the sun (Shamash-Shems). The city of Sham is also derived from the same root concept. (Sin-Moon and Ishtar/Sitare-Stars are also used in Mesopotamian cosmogony both as names and symbolic values). The city of Ur, mentioned in the Quran as Ummul Kura, meaning the mother of cities, has been identified with the sun because it governed its surroundings like a solar system (sun city-capital). The current city of Damascus was also once this central-capital city and is still more known as Sham than Dimeşk. Thus, all subsequent capitals are Sham. Those who are not from Sham-city are Urab-Urban, meaning Bedouin.

These concepts are actually definitions of settled-nomadic. (Sami is not a race. They are the first city dwellers and are the first sample of civilized people for current societies in the world. That is, all city dwellers are Sami-Sam-urian. This usage is like the subjects of different tribes, languages, and beliefs being named as Assyrians or Romans-Roman after the empires of Assyria and later Rome. The claim that the Sami-Sam-urian people are the ancestors of Jews and Arabs is a lie of European-Aryan racism. Antisemitism, especially in Andalusia, demonized Arabs and Jews together, targeting Muslims as well. However, Europeans – and of course Indians, Iranians, Turks, Kurds, Chinese, Russians, etc., are also Sami-Sam-urian in this sense. That is, it is the result of their acquiring different identities in different regions following the fragmentation, dispersion, and civil war of this first civilization center.)

The story of the flood narrated in the Torah and Quran is the event of the dispersion-breakup of this Sam-ur civilization. Many of Eastern and Western peoples have spread throughout the world due to this great fragmentation. That is, this event is the first known event that has been experienced for all times. Modern archaeology probably invented the term Sumer, not mentioned in any records, probably to avoid attributing the first civilization to the people they called Semites because of antisemitic reasons. But as mentioned above there was no race called Sami in mankind history. The people of the civilization called Sumer are mentioned as Kianuguru-kenger. (The names Çankırı and Ankara also come from kianuguru. They were probably the cities where they settled after this dispersion.) Ki anuh guru means the city of the dark-haired or earth-colored Nuh people. They were probably a people of African-Ethiopian origin. That is, they were black. And the state known as Hittite-Eti (Ethiopia) had been part of the Sam-ur descendants who dispersed. These dark-haired people are demeaned by the elites of their tribe in the Quranic verses of Noah. (Hud/27. The same demeaning is also present in the verses of Thamud-Salih prophet. Araf/75) That is, black-foreigner hostility and racism were the reasons for the decay of this first civilized society. (Phrygia-Ifriya-Africa, Aphrodite, etc., are terms related to Africans in Mesopotamia and Anatolia. Africa has been the oldest population depot for India, Arabia, Iran, Mesopotamia, and Anatolia since ancient history.)

The Torah and modern archaeology sometimes tell different legends to either prove or refute each other. It seems that the scribes of the Torah have half-heartedly recorded the old event narratives they heard in Babylon (Iraq) and then in Assyria-Canaan-Phoenicia. Because the scribes of the Torah, which began to be written after the 500s BC, were foreigners who came to the region later. Indeed, their language Hebrew was also mispronounced Akkadian and Aramaic that they learned later. In the Torah, the reason of this great dispersion is narrated as the construction of the Tower of Babel and anger of gods that disperse the people and seperate their languages at their loud noise. Essentially, this story, probably a reference to a great civil war, is the narrative of the appearance on the stage of many groups from China, India, Iran, the Caucasus, Anatolia, Southern Europe, Egypt, and Africa with similar social and cultural features but different identities many years after the breakup of Sam Ur. Indeed, the language of Sam Ur, still not fully deciphered, has given rise to root languages such as Akkadian, Aramaic, Avesta, Assyrian. Sam Ur, or the Noah people, is the common root trauma of all subsequent generations and geographies, and its aftershocks continue in different forms.

Some modern archaeologists, since the 19th century, have been searching for treasure and gathering intelligence in these Sam Ur lands, called Mesopotamia, either to find evidence to prove the stories in the Torah or, if secularistic, to find documents to disprove the Torah, and have cobbled together half-baked histories from the Samur-Akkad-Assyrian inscriptions, tablets, and remains that they found. The natives of the region, whether Christian-Syriac, Chaldean, Iranian, or Muslim, have never been curious to read and understand the remains and inscriptions of this region in their original languages and in its logic. Due to this carelessness, either the Jews, servants of the invaders or today’s foreign archaeologists, the Western thieves, have written the history of the region and religions for their own purposes.

Hammurabi-Prophet Abraham, Babylon-Assyria, and Moses

The second major historical traumatic event that is universally significant, happened around 1250 BCE with the invasion of the Assyrian empire by the Indo-Iranian tribes, known as the Elamites. Assyria (meaning the upper city-country of Ur, i.e., upper city-country of the original first city-country near Baghdad), located on the banks of the Tigris at Nineveh-Mosul, emerged after the flood as the second great civilization following Agade-Akkad-Ad and its continuation, Semud-Medayin. The third great civilization in the Mezopotamian region, Babylon-Assyria, was founded by Hammurabi (Prophet Abraham). This region includes Western Iran, Basra, Baghdad, Mosul, Diyarbakır, Aleppo, Damascus, Urfa (Edessa), Antioch, and the Palestine basin. Hammurabi, known as the father of the land of justice/mercy/peace (Ebu Ur rahm-) for establishing the first state of law, order, making and keeping the peace, uniting all city-states of the time, including Babylon, Assyria, Mari, Elam, Uruk, Nippur, Medayin, Aleppo, and Damascus, ending civil wars and initiating a long period of peace. In the 1300s BCE, after the invasion by the Indo-Iranian forces, Babylon-Assyrian people, retreated and expanded to Harran, Urfa (Ur-ruha), and then Ur Salem (Jerusalem-Illios), and Egypt (Mis-ur-new city) and organized as almost reborn. Throughout this period, i.e., during the times of Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Zechariah, there is no Jewish community yet. (In fact, the communities known as Arabs have no relation with Abraham and Ishmael. The Arab communities are also different tribes that came to the region from India and Africa. This is a topic for another article)

Following Abraham’s era, the Indo-Iranian tribes led by Faridun-Pharaoh, who invaded Iraq and captured Babylon-Baghdad and Assyria-Mosul (known historically as Elam-Alimu), enslaved the Assyrians and Babylonians. Moses, known as Mose (meaning son from the water), had rebelled against this enslavement, moved the remaining Assyrian communities along the Aleppo-Antakya-Lebanon-Jerusalem-present-day Egypt route, and then he returned back and fought against the invading forces. (The personal story of Sargon, the founding king of Akkad-Assyria, also appears in the tablets as a child left in the Tigris River.) This event is narrated in history as the Battle of Kadesh around 1250 BCE and in mythology as the Trojan War. (Troy, Troy-Libanon Tripoli or Tyre city, the Troy in Çanakkale is a fabrication of the German treasure hunter Schliemann. At that time, there was neither enough population for trade nor the need for a major port in western Anatolia. Civilization came to these areas after the great war in the Lebanon basin and the dispersal of Assyria-Nineveh/Ionia.) This war is also narrated in the Torah and Quran as the story of Moses – the exodus – the great exit, and they are all the same event. The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, who fictionalized history from an Iranian perspective – like Ferdowsi – narrate this traumatic period but with different names and vague locations. (Homer’s Iliad – Illya – Illyos is the original name of Jerusalem. It means the city of God, El. It was sanctified and named Ur Salem – city of peace – because peace was made there after the Trojan War. Odessa is Urfa.)

Modern archaeology has recorded this war as the Battle of Kadesh. However, Kadesh is also actually Jerusalem. But the sides of the war are recorded as the Hittites and Egyptians. Yet, Hittite and Egypt are provinces of Assyria, allies, and their common enemy is the Iranian-Indian invaders.

In the Torah, the heroes of this great world war are Pharaoh, Faridun, the king of Iran. Moses is not a name but means son, and historically, Ramses-Ra Mose, who is mistakenly recorded as the king of Egypt, concealing Iran, is the real hero. The title or personal name Pharaoh does not appear in any ancient Egyptian records. However, even modern secularist archaeologists continue to repeat this lie of the Torah. This greatest distortion of the Iranian – Persian lies concealed Iran in this great historically breakthrough war and made Moses a Pharaoh. Moses, meanwhile, has become an undefined mythical character and was later recreated as the founding prophet of Judaism. Archaeologists are still trying to find the imaginary Moses’s trace in the Red Sea or the Sinai desert, calling the statues of RaMose in ancient Egyptian ruins with a walking staff in hand as Pharaoh III. Ramses!

Ra mose is an expression like the son of the Lord. It’s a naming convention that establishes a connection with God or holy individuals, similar to Abdullah, Abdurrahman, Nurullah, Feyzullah today. Ramses saved his people from the Iranian invasion and migrated, while Feridun-Ferrohen, the Iranian-Elam king, drowned in the Euphrates or Orontes River while pursuing with his army. RaMose, after 20 years of wars in the Syria-Lebanon basin, moved Assyria to Egypt and re-established ancient Egypt. In ancient records, the founding god of Egypt, Osiris, is Asuris-Assyrian. Isis is likely Moses. Centuries later, the conquests of Alexander the Great, then the Romans, and finally conquests of the Ottomans under the Sultan Selim I were repetitions of this first great war.

The first fragmentation of Assyria is the most significant event in the subsequent historical flow. To make an analogy, Assyria is the first global empire in ancient history, akin to Britain-USA. And just like the Anglo-Saxon empire, Assyria was a pioneering, creative, and organizing force in forming a government, politics, science, architecture, religion, art, technology, and trade, and also the first tyrannical state to use exploitation, genocide, massacres, oppression, and violence when it reached its peak. The narration of Moses in the Quran describes Assyria and portrays both the convinced, oppressed, and innocent qualities and the spoiled, ungrateful, tyrannical, fickle, and opportunistic aspects of the Assyrians – known as 12 or 10 great tribes-races – as a lesson. The calf story tells how the Indians who came to trade with Assyria even manipulated the Assyrians while they were newcomers. Samiri, a Samaritan, is Iraqi, and at that time Iraq (Uruk) was full of Indian merchants. Probably some of these merchants followed Ramoses. Their remnants still live in today’s Nablus – the Samaritans.

The Exodus story of Moses, contrary to the Torah, is not from Egypt-Sinai/Red Sea to Palestine, but rather the opposite, from Nineveh-Assyria through Harran-Urfa-Hatay-Lebanon to Jerusalem and Egypt. The sea that is said Moses, still any traces couldn’t have been found, crossed, that Pharaoh are said to have drowned in is likely either the Euphrates near Mari or the Orontes River in Antioch. Mount Sinai is actually the Anti-Lebanon mountain, and the valley of Tuwa is either Troy-Tyre or Trablus-Sham. If the wrong places are searched for traces, they will never be found!

After this traumatic fragmentation of Assyria, the dispersed peoples throughout the region recounted this event in their new locations in various forms – as stories, legends, myths, and religious fables, keeping the memory alive. Ionnes of Nineveh, Prophet Jonah, was the founder and pioneer of schools established to prevent the roots of the 12 great Assyrian tribes who spread to the Aegean region and its islands, being forgotten. What is recorded as Greek philosophy is actually the legacy of Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian civilization, and the 12 Greek colonies in the Aegean are in fact the 12 tribes of Israel – Assyrian tribes – Ionnes-Ionian-Hellen tribes. Ancient Egypt, in turn, is the creation of Moses-Ramses who fled from that war.

During the invasion and exile of Assyria and the ensuing decades-long war, major earthquake faults in the region were activated, causing intense earthquakes that led to the destruction of many cities. The stories of the destruction of cities mentioned in the Quran as being annihilated are mostly related to these earthquakes that occurred during this first world war in the mankind history. Considering these great earthquakes, along with the ongoing Syrian invasion since 2011 and the February 2023 earthquakes in 11 cities in the historical Assyrian basin, one can better understand the first Assyrian story I mentioned, along with history’s ironic repetition. The major earthquake fault lines in the region, such as the Hatay-Alexandria and Hatay-Jericho lines, have not broken yet. The great calamities in the story of Moses also resulted from the same state of chaos, leading to diseases, insect invasions, famines, and similar events. This great war, disaster, and earthquakes had taken place between 1250 and 1220 BCE were the first great world war and catastrophe in history with lasting consequences. Such that the period following this war, from 1200 to about 900 and even up to 700 BCE, is still considered a dark age because the population had been decimated, civilization almost vanished, survivors scattered, and almost no trace had been left behind. Similar to the impact of the First and Second World Wars in the first half of the 20th century, which devastated and reshaped the entire world, this event influenced nearly two thousand years of subsequent history. During all these centuries of great disaster, there was still no Jewish nation, people, or religious community.

Salmanasur-Solomon and the Troy-Kadesh WarExodus

The third major traumatic event in history is the second destruction of Assyria in 538 BCE by the Iranians, i.e., the Persian invasion.

Assyria, 2-3 centuries after its first destruction, under the leadership of Solomon, known as Assyrian King Salmanasar in the Torah as Slomo and in the Quran as Solomon, had been resurrected. This happened after the battle in which King David, referred to in the Torah and known in archaeology as Assyrian King Adad Nirari, defeated the Iranians in the 900s BCE (referred to as Talut and Goliath in the Torah and Quran, and David and Goliath in the Torah). Its capital was again Nineveh, and it reassembled not only today’s Iraq and the Persian Gulf but also the Hittite-Urartu-Lydia, i.e., Anatolia, and the Mediterranean basin, i.e., Lebanon-Jerusalem and Egypt, forming the second Assyrian empire. During this period, there was no tribe called Jews in the region, nor there was any structure called Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, upon which the Jews base their claims of occupation. Solomon’s magnificent palace was in Nineveh. The structure called the temple was the ziggurat in the city of Nippur near Baghdad, a stepped pyramid-like facility. This building, constructed during the time of Hammurabi-Abraham, was actually a common house in the center of the city. It was a house of kindness-mercy, where orphans, the poor, immigrants, and widowed women sheltered and lived, maintained by the donations, sacrifices, vows, alms, and taxes of all city dwellers. Festivals and special days were celebrated here, and together with the leaders, the people discussed their common problems around this house, empathized, and shared. This house, later turned into pagan worship centers, is referred to as Beit in the Quran and Torah, and as masjid, meaning it’s not anyone’s property but God’s house, implying it is a common house (masjidil haram) belonging to everyone. In and around this house, crimes such as murder, theft, adultery, gossip, and other major sins were forbidden. Because humanity has evolved and become civilized thanks to the Home-House-Hearth-Family symbolized by this house. This tradition of a common house-Beit, later lived on in different forms as temples-churches/mosques in the center of every city and as parliament buildings in modern capitals. All the rituals of the Hajj in Islam, including the clothing (ihram, the clothing of Sam Ur), are rituals of visiting this common Beit and sharing, solidarity, distributing sacrificial offerings to the poor, and reiterating the common human memory and belief.

During the Salmanasur period, there was neither a temple nor anything related to Solomon in Jerusalem because at that time Jerusalem (Illios), as a small town-city where the peace had been signed after the Trojan War, remained symbolically, and become insignificant. Solomon-Salmanasar dominated mainly in the centers of Mediterranean trade, the ports of Antakya and Phoenicia, Troy-Sur, Sidon, Beirut, Tripoli, Baalbek, Byblos. Aleppo, Damascus, and perhaps Antioch were the most critical and developed central cities. Moreover, at that time, there was no connection with the Jews, as they were not even mentioned, because the Jewish community did not exist in the region at those times, nor had they even emerged as a tribe in their homeland of India.

The Quran narrates that the Children of Assyria were blessed twice and also destroyed twice due to corruption. It talks about the Assyrians. However, the Jews, brought to Mesopotamia by the Persians who invaded and destroyed the second Assyria, the kingdom of Solomon, were a community brought from India after Assyria. They were never dominant, majority, or an important community. In 538 BCE, the Persians of the Achaemenid (Khamenei) dynasty gathered first in India-Afghanistan-Central Asia and the Caspian region, then strengthened in the Persian Gulf-Iraq basin, and later attacked and reoccupied Assyria following the old invasion map. The Persian invasion encompassed the Mediterranean coasts under Assyrian dominance, Egypt, Anatolia, and surrounded Ionia-Jonas’s people – who resisted for a long time in the Aegean region but were defeated and fled from this invasion across the Aegean Sea, then settling in the region called Hellen. (The word ‘Hellen’ also comes from Ionia, i.e., Nineveh-Jonas. After the Persian invasion, the population brought by the Persians settled in this region and this Indo-Iranian people were known as Greeks. The original Assyrian-descended people are the Helen-Elenes. (Elen, Alanya, Alahan, Illios, all these terms come from the same root and are of Assyrian origin))

During this invasion, under the leadership of Darius, the Persians also advanced to Macedonia and Bulgaria and dominated the entire region for 200 years despite great resistance. This period of 200 years, both in Egypt and in Ionia and Hellen cities, continued the Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian knowledge and faith tradition through special educations, mostly conducted secretly in various schools and sects. Names known today as philosophers like Hermes, Anaximenes, Thales, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Zeno, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc., were actually a kind of prophet-messenger mission that recorded and passed this accumulation to future generations. Ionian- Hellen civilization, Hellen philosophy, Philosophy schools and sects, are the recorded-book-turned legacy of the Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian, i.e., Abraham-Moses-Jonas tradition. The myth of Greek civilization, meticulously cleansed of its roots and reimagined by Europeans in the 18th and 19th centuries to flatter the Greeks against the Ottomans, creating a non-religious-secular atmosphere to also overthrow their own churches, is actually this. Assyria, or the Children of Israel, is the reality of this myth.

Alexander the Great and the Hellen-Roman Era

The fourth major traumatic event in history is the campaigns of Alexander the Great. Alexander, known as Dhul-Qarnayn in the Quran, emerged in the 320s BCE as a resurged second Moses against the Persian invasion. Alexander (from Jerusalem-Meggido) is the leader of the Assyrians organized against the Persians. (Meggido is the city where the Trojan War was most fiercely had been fought. This is why the Jewish texts like the Torah and Talmud base the Armageddon myth, the great final battle, on this war. Today’s Macedonia is the name of the region where those who fled Meggido after the dispersal of Assyria settled. The big city names in regions like the Aegean, Egypt, Hellen and the islands are from the cities people fled to after the great migration from Mesopotamia-Anatolia and the eastern Mediterranean coast, such as Ugarit-Crete, Isis-Assos, Adana-Athens, Isparta-Sparta, Melid-Miletus, Damascus-Samosata-Samyrina-Samos, Samson, Jaffa-Ephesus, Assyria-Tyre-Syracuse, Nusaybin/Nisibis-Magnesia, Edessa-Odessa, Illios/Iliad-Alanya-Lydia, etc.) However, Alexander is not from today’s Macedonia but from Jerusalem-Meggido. He organized his nation with Egyptian support and at first cleared the Hellen colonies in the west from the Persians, then proceeded to Syria, Iraq, Iran, and as far as India, dispersing the roots of these historical invaders, as a commander of Assyria-Egypt. This event is akin to Yavuz’s campaigns in Syria, Iraq, and Iran. After Alexander, Rome (Uruma-Urmiye) emerged as the third regrouping of the Children of Assyria organized on the lands across the Adriatic, today’s Italy after Persian invasion of Hellen’s land. Rome is for once and all time. Today’s world is still the product, repetition, continuation, overcoming efforts, and rebirth pains of Assyria-Hellenic -Rome’s and Indo-Iran’s historical wars.

During the time of Alexander and the subsequent growth of Rome, the Jews were small groups, consisting of Iranian colonizers-Persian-Pharisee sects and Saducees influenced by Ionian-Hellen, with no political significance. Around the 1st century BCE, King Herod and his Iranian wife briefly dominated around Jerusalem, but later the Romans completely took back the authority in the region. The structure that the Jews today wail at and call the temple is the remains of Herod’s palace. Herod was punished by the Romans for collaborating with Iran, and his palace was destroyed. This event also has no special connection with Judaism or the Jews. The matter was about the Iran-Rome wars for the control of the Silk and trade routes and ports. Jews who sided with Iran were expelled from the region during the Iran-Rome wars in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE along with other Iran-aligned communities. Those who remained lived in rural areas in small ghetto-like communities. (During II. World War 50 millions people died but story has been uttered as if during II. World War just 5 millions Jews died. As if remained 45 millions people regarded hominid garbage species. Not worth to mention. Of course in the mankind history some Jewish tribes also massacred and some of them exiled but more hugh societies killed or exiled without any records. This Jewish-centric narration of the history have adopted by whole humanity.)

During the conquest of Jerusalem by Caliph Umar, the present site of Masjid al-Aqsa was a dump, and he paid to local poor tribes for cleaning it up and built a mosque there. At the time of Sultan Saladin’s conquest, Jews were still living scattered outside of Jerusalem.

In fact, until the 19th century, Jerusalem did not hold the significance for Jews that it acquired after Zionism. They even referred to London and New York, where they had newly settled and were comfortable, as New Kuds. Thus, until the 19th century, Jerusalem was an imaginary-fantasy paradise city in Jewish mythology. From this time, Zionists in their rewritten distorted history have portrayed their expulsion by the Romans in 70 and 130 CE as a drama for all humanity in their arrogant Jewish-centric history. They exaggerated this familiar expulsion as the so-called second exile and diaspora, recorded for their internal consolidation.

Perhaps no other community but the Jews has managed to transmit themselves to the future generations with continually new stories, presenting themselves as actors of every era. We continue to read and discuss all history as if it’s the history of Jews and their adversaries because we have adopted this Jewish-centric narrative technique. We don’t put much emphasis on stories of Samur, Assyria, Misur, Ionia, Rome, the real history, the real mankind memory, and accumulation more than this strange minority community’s history that have paralelled tragedy of gypsies. Apparently, whoever lacks something tends to exaggerate and complete it. Jews have imposed their nonexistent history with the Torah and additional lies persistently to Christians, Muslims, Socialists, Atheists, and so on!

Israel-Assyria and Ezra

The term Israel actually refers to Assyria, the main subject of these major historical breakthroughs. The Quran consistently corrects the stories of Ezrael in the Torah and talks about Assyria. It discusses the prophets and messengers mentioned numerous times, emphasizing they are neither Jewish nor Christian. Assyria is not described as a historical narration but as an example and parable for all time as the fundamental empire of ancient history. In the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, etc., in the Quran, the Children of Israel are never mentioned. The nation of Abraham refers to the believers of the Sumer-Babylon-Assyria era under Hammurabi’s dominion. Jacob and the children of Jacob are also continuations of the nation of Abraham. Assyria exists as a city but is not yet an empire. The era when Assyria and subsequently Egypt became great empires starts with King Sargon (Shar-ukin) and afterward.

Moses appears in this era. The term Beni Asur, used for Assyrians, describes the rescue of Assyrian peoples captured during the Iranian invasion under the leadership of Moses and their relocation to Egypt, and then their great war with the Iranian armies-Feridun-Pharaoh. The story of the Babylonian exile in the Torah is actually the story of the salvation and migration of the Assyrians under the leadership of Moses. But, thereafter, this story distorted by perplexing expulsion of the Iran-aligned colonial communities from Phoenicia-Jerusalem area during second Assyrians Empire the reign of grandson of Salmanasur, Prophet Hizirnasir (Helper of Prophet Khidr – Nebuchadnezzar) and creating a dramatic history for themselves. (The story of Nebuchadnezzar and the exile in the Jeremiah section of the Torah provide the inspiration for creation of opera Nabucco by the Italian musician Verdi in 1856. The story combines the migration of the Assyrians in the 1200s BCE with the expulsion of other Iranian colonists 700 years later, portraying Zechariah as a Jewish king, Ishmael as a traitor, adding love stories from Homer’s Iliad, and turning all of it into a single event as a Jewish drama.)

The Quran does not emphasize the historical information but the lessons that should have been passed to the subsequent generations from this great struggle. The stories of Moses in the Quran never mention the word Jew. The terms Yehudi-Hadu are used more for the Canaan region during Christ’s time and for the Jews of Medina during Prophet Muhammad’s era. These subtle uses have escaped the eyes of Muslim commentators influenced by Isra’iliyyat-distorted knowledge of the religions’ and mankind’s history.

The replacement of the concept of Assyria with Azra-Ezra originated from the need to adapt the names and beliefs of the communities brought to the region by the Persians after the downfall of second Assyria and invasion and locasion of the Indo-Iranians in the Assyrian countries. (So, it’s not about a Jewish exile but it is the story of the historical ‘first Israel’ like present-day Israel established by the Persians and Indian communities brought by them into region who later called themselves Jews. In this context, while the term Israel used by the Jews evokes Assyria, actually refers to Ezra’s tribe-people. Ezra was the vizier of the Persian king Cyrus-Kirosh-Keyhüsrev. The Persians gathered communities from central Asia, Afghanistan, ancient India’s Yehudya, Kolkata, Kochi-Kerala, and Mumbai-Maharashtra regions, who were engaged in trade, farming, and mercenary work, and brought them to the region for the campaign against Assyria and colonized Assyrian cities. The commercial activities were assigned to the Jews, the military activities to the nomadic warrior tribes from the Caspian-Central Asia region, and the religious ideological training and administrative tasks to the Iranian-Persian elite. (The efforts of Theodor Herzl, a German spy who tried to settle German Jews in Palestine in the early 20th century, the establishment of Israel in the mid-20th century by Britain, the USA, and Russia, or the modern Achaemenid-Khamenei vizier, the modern Ezra, Qasem Soleimani who recruited poor Shiites from Afghanistan and Pakistan with money to fight and settle in Syria and Yemen, are similar examples of colonization!))

The Promised Land and the Chosen People

The expression ‘Rab’ used in the Torah actually refers to the Persian king Cyrus. ‘Rab’ means lord or king, and while it is also used for God, meaning the ultimate lord of the universe, in the Torah it refers to Cyrus, making him the actual lord or king who brought the Jews to the stage of history. Arz-e-Mevud, the promised land, is the Assyrian lands promised by Cyrus to the Jewish community in return for their services. The Quran does not mention Arz-e-Mevud, but speaks of the fertile lands, the fertile crescent, namely Assyria. ‘The chosen people’ refers to the nation chosen by Cyrus and entrusted with a special mission and promised dominion over the region. Cyrus made similar promises to every community he brought to the region. There is no connection with God in this matter! God is not a king who chooses one of His creations to being serve by the others. But the Jewish god, Cyrus, is that king, and the Persians-Aryans as the inventors of the racism, like Iblis, still consider themselves special, chosen, regarding the rest as goyim, barbarians, inferior slave-like beings. The Jews, with this habitude, have regarded every king as their Rab all along the history who protected them. They have used the title ‘father of justice’ given to Hammurabi-Abraham, for Cyrus, who occupied the region, which is the legacy of Abraham. (In the Quran, some expressions that appear as Rab or Angel in the verses narrating the prophets and messengers, refer to the political authorities of that time as king, ruler, sultan. When used abstractly, Rabb refers to God, and angel refers to the known angels.) Today’s Rab for the Jews is the USA.

In the early period, the Jews (like the Indian-origin gypsies, with whom they possibly share a common ancestry as seen in every Jewish ghetto having a neighboring gypsy neighborhood) had no distinct religious belief or ethnic characteristic. This community is the remnants of the ancient Elam-Akkad-Ad and Semud tribes scattered in India and disliked among Indian communities, being geographically Iranian. They were probably the lowest caste in the Indo caste system, the nameless ones (Parya), always despised and bearing a deep hatred for the majority of people. These communities were brought in the 538 BCE to invade Assyrian cities, exterminate and expel the locals, and rule on behalf of the Persians. Thus, the Jews are the first Rafidhi colonizers brought to the region by Iran. Ezra, who led this community, later became the name of the tribe itself; Azra-Isra-el.


The ‘El’ suffix was used in Babylon as one of God’s names, meaning supreme, exalted, the first creator- ‘O’. It evolved from EA in Sam-urian language, Sumerian, to El Elah-ilah – Allah, used as the name of God. Bab-el means the gate of God, and in names like Samuel, Mikael, Gabriel, the suffix attaches the main name to God – as God’s son, servant, sun, moon, stars, etc. Ezrael, in the process of seizing the wealth and privileges remaining from Solomon’s kingdom, is a denominated name by Jews themself that at first settled in Iraq-Babylon and then brought to the Phoenician trade center Canaan.

Starting from the 400s BCE, under King Darius, new Jews from Yahudeya in ancient western India were brought into the region via Basra-Yemen, and over time, they referred to themselves as Hadu, Yehadu, Yahudi, Yhdi, etc. The earlier Iraqi Jews and the later Basra-Yemen Jews eventually clashed. These conflicts are evident in the periods of Elohim-Yhwe in the Torah, the interpretations of the Talmud, and in the divisions between the Pharisee-Persian and Saducee sects. Elohim (El ahe-ilah-Allah-gods – Jews mispronounce many terms as they are foreign to the region) was used in Babylon-Iraq where the first group was settled, while Baal was used in Phoenicia where the latter group was settled. Baal is the Elamite king Alulim-Apaalu. In archaeology, he appears as Apillu-Apollo-Alilum-Allalat. The Ali in Rafidhi beliefs is actually this Baal. It has nothing to do with Ali, the son of uncle of the of the Prophet Muhammed, and all Rafidhis, for example, the Indian-originated Nusayris, keep this as a secret. Like the Asurel-Azrael analogy, the Alulim-Ali resemblance is an example of the deep dissimulation of the Indo-Iranian communities. Baal (Ebaal) means father god, god the father, Allah-father. In essence, he is the one referred to as Iblis in the Quran. The Diubolos-Deu bolos mentioned by the Hellens is this Iblis. (deu-zeu-teo means god). The accusation that the Ezidis, an Iranian ethnic group (originating from the Iranian city of Yazd, worshipers of Yezdan, another name for Baal), worship Satan is because of this Baal, and it’s forbidden to mention the real name of their god as a matter of dissimulation. A massive temple for Baal was built in Baalbek, Lebanon, after the Iranian invasion during Cyrus’ time. This Baal temple is actually the ancestral temple that the Jews searh for in Jerusalem. Its name is Beit Amikdash (holy house) or Beit Adonai-Ad anu. Adanu-Adonai turned into Adon-Aton during the Egyptian invasion, later influenced by the Iranians to be used as a god’s name and the name of some cities they occupied – Adana-Athens. It is a term remaining from the Ad people. This temple, not Solomon’s, was built by Cyrus during the Iranian invasion. (Today Baalbek is under the control of Hezbollat, a Shia militant organization masked by Iran. Southern Lebanon is actually modern Ezrael for Iran.)

Deubaalos-Iblis-Baal’s son Set, Satan (the root of the word Satan), in Iranian and Jewish literature, is Seth. In Iranian mythology, Jamshid is this Seth, and the word Satan refers to Seth and his lineage. After the Persian invasion of ancient Egypt, the Egyptians named their god of evil Seth-Seti. Seth, mentioned in the Torah as Adam’s son, does not appear in Islamic sources. Iran is the birthplace of Iblis, Satan, and those referred to with these terms are not abstract concepts but concrete individuals from the lineage of the kings of Indo-Iran. Indo-Iran is a factory of theology and mythology, turning all history into myths and legends, inverting and reconstructing according to the political needs of the time in Orwellian-style, recording them, propagating them in every invaded region through their religious figures-moğ-mogus-mullahs-magicians and through their dais -sheikhs, dervishes, fathers, dedes.

The evil god Ehrimen, referred to in Zoroastrian beliefs, is actually Iran’s hidden second face, projecting onto others what they oppose, deeming every opposing force, power, and belief as satanic. The satanic use of Satan is essentially polytheism, and when the Quran speaks of polytheists, it refers to those who believe in this Iranian evil god as an equal power to God. No other faith system has the concept of two gods with equal Powers (Ahuramazda /Hurmuz /Yezdan and its equal opponent Ehrimen). Polytheist, in this context, refers to those who worship Ahuramazda and Ehrimen as two equal forces of good and evil. In pagan-animist beliefs, there is a chief god and his assistants, son, daughter, wife, etc., none of them equal to the chief god. Polytheist refers solely to the dualistic Iranian beliefs. Similarly, in the Quran, hell is a symbolism for resurrecting, the polytheists who worship the sun-fire, with what they worship on the Judgement Day. Heaven is symbolic narration of promizing that all the luxuries and splendors built on the backs of the entire society by the Indo-Iranian elites will be taken from them and given to the lower classes. The Quran cannot be understood if not being read as a rejection of this historical geography, Indo-Iran.


The term Yhwe-Yahova, whose name is forbidden to be uttered, is actually the real name of Jesus, Yahya. After the brutal murder of Yahya, the leader of the follower of the Moses, by King Herod and his wife in the 1st century BCE and after the local populations revered him as a savior-messiah, the Jews, brought into region from Yahudeya in ancient western India via Basra-Yemen, especially articulated that actual name of their God was Yhwe-Yehova in Talmud saying it had been forbidden to utter this name they restored their book with this name. Yahwe is actually the name of the reincarnate messiah of the Jews and is expected to descend at the end of times to save the Jews. This is why some Jews, like some Shia Muslims – who share a belief kinship – have killed, ostracized, and excommunicated every person claiming to be messiah – Yahya-Jesus and most recently Sabbatai Zevi. They view the Iranian Islamic state for the Shia and Israel for the Jews, established before the actual arrival of their mahdi-messiah, as entities that prevent or delay their coming.

Humanity, seeking a divine redeemer after every major traumatic event that we mentioned above, has always believed that the great savior, the Messiah, of each desperate straits like Noah-Abraham and Jesus Christ. Messiah-Mahdi faith originated from Indian reincarnation and Krishna faith that then crossed into Iranian-Zarathustrian faith and lately has found a place in Christianity and İslamic Shiah. This kind of Messiah-Mahdi faith has no any relation with Abrahamic-Hanif-Religion of Moses and Islam.


On the other hand, the term “Hebrew” actually became established due to the Jewish colony in Hebron (today’s El Halil), a region near Jerusalem occupied by the Persians. So, contrary to Jewish claims, “Hebrew” has no connection with Abraham (Ibrahim-Abraham-Avram).

In short, Judaism is a schizophrenic identity formed over hundreds of years through a synthesis of the prevailing Assyrian-Mosaic beliefs of those times with the beliefs and customs of Indo-Iran, aimed at maintaining a foothold in the region following the Iran-centered invasions. It is neither Mosaic nor from the Children of Israel, nor does it have any connection with Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Solomon, monotheism, or religion.

Judaism as a Colonizer Tragedy

These historical connections of roots are, in fact, myths cleverly invented much later by Persian Magi, Mogus, sorcerer-priests. Clergymen like these soothsayer-rabbis, actually shepherds and vassal kings guiding the community (the Persian word for prophet has the same meaning, and Turks and Kurds who learned Islam from Iranians still use the term “peygamber” for Prophets and Messengers, although Prophet and Messenger are very different concepts). These augur-rabbi-clergymen, in obedience to Torah fulfill different misions even many of them were usurers-traders of banking institutions called synagogue. Jewish rabbi and leaders always had kept this migrant Jewish community in a common pool and directed them towards comparatively advantageous professions such as medicine, weaving, goldsmithing, usury, and trade to secure their existence and safety under the Persians and then under the Romans and in every country they dispersed to by using some religious rituels that they had learned in the region and old stories that had written by themselves. Getting stronger by taking the advantages of their ability in medicine, textile industry, banking, trading,etc. they attempted to take the control those societies that thay lived in and faced with massacre or expulsion in response, and internalized this dramatic tradition through religious stories like the Torah and Talmud. Judaism, which has continually tried to survive with its unique characteristics within every society, is actually a peculiar, unique, and gruesome tragedy.

The rabbis of this literate community, involved in trade, recorded all the prevailing beliefs, mythology, tales, and legends in the region as Moses’ book, likely initially presented as intelligence reports to their Iranian lords, and over time adopted them as the sacred writings of their ancestors, forming the sacred book known as the Torah. The main texts of the Torah consist of narratives that spew hatred and hostility towards all other people. It mocks Moses’ beliefs, claiming Noah had incest relations with his daughters, Abraham had offered his wife to a king, Jacob had deceived his brother, David had seduced his commander’s wife, and Solomon was a tyrant king with hundreds of concubines who worshipped idols, etc. Primarily, Torah looks as corpus of the propaganda texts against Abrahamic-Hanif- Moses’ beliefs. That’s why the art of interpretation, hermeneutics, developed in the Jewish tradition, as the Old Testament is a strange, horrific text that doesn’t seem to carry any divine essence when read straightforwardly.

The Quran never says ‘We gave the Torah to Moses’; it says ‘We gave a Scripture to Moses’. Long time after Moses, this Jewish community presented the Torah as the book given to Moses, and since there were no other written records in other communities, the book named the Torah has been accepted as Moses’ book from subsequent periods to the present. The Quran, when revealed, referred to the existing written records, the Torah and the Gospel as holy books, but constantly correcting the claims and narratives in those books. The story of Jesus in the Gospel is essentially about the rebellion against this religious distortion and exploitation. Turning institutional religiosity, i.e., organizing human ethical teachings and social life rules such as diet, marriage, etc., into a religious class of clergy by distorting sacred Scriptures and forming a ghetto separate from humanity, humiliating and excluding the rest, all in the name of God, is entirely an Indo-Iranian stance, and Judaism is the most original, stubborn, bigoted, and thus most persistent form of this stance. Christianity and Islam, originally, emerged against this religiosity but eventually became religions in the same Jewish format, influenced by converted Jews. Paul and Ibn Ishaq should be revisited in this light.

Judaism should primarily be removed from the list of Abrahamic faiths. Terms like ‘Semitic religions,’ ‘three major religions,’ ‘people of the book’ should never include Judaism. It should be established that Jews have no connection with the Children of Israel-Israel, the tradition of prophets and messengers like Abraham, Moses, Solomon, and others. The term “Children of Israel” should be corrected to “Assyria” and Jews should be consistently refferred to as “Izsrail”, the same term that they use to identify themselves. Jews never had a state in the Palestine region (like the Kingdom of Israel-Judah), never had any traces, artifacts, or temples in Jerusalem, were never a homogeneous nation. Jews are a colonizing community that has always collaborated with the ruling powers, similar to the FETO organization, securing their safety through trade and intelligence organization. Ethnically, their very ancient roots may be Indo-Iranian, but today, having mixed in every society they have dispersed into many societies in the world, they have produced an ethno-religious fascist ideology called Zionism due to Torah-Tanah has not qualified for their goals. Zionism is actually a German invention, organized in the early 20th century both to get rid of their Jews and to establish a German colony in the eastern Mediterranean under British dominance. However, the Ottoman Empire, under both Abdulhamid II and the Union and Progress Administration, never allowed this project. Thus, Zionists turned to the British. During World War I, the British drew Zionists to their side with the Balfour Declaration and promised a state to both them and Sharif Hussein. However, they kept neither promise, granting the kingdom of Jordan to Sharif Hussein and only colonial citizenship in Palestine to the Jews. The state of Israel was established after World War II to expel the Jews remaining in Europe and Russia, founded by the USA and Russia with British approval. Thus, Zionists, with their organized ambition, were first a tool of the Germans, then of the British, and now a colonizing power in the cage called Israel, used by the USA and Russia. The economic-media and political lobbying power they have gained through trade and usury, stock market games in the USA and Europe are actually a mask for the USA, Britain, Europe, and Russia, that countries behind the mask and as a tragic colonizing community in one night thay can easily converted into a spacegoat nation that will be massacred like German Jews, like FETO when their serviceability end.

Their syncretic- unorthodox beliefs and traditions are their own and have no connection whatsoever with the common beliefs and values of humanity. In this sense, Jews and the community of Izrail should be able to live equally with the assurance of life, property, and belief within the general legal standards of each country and society, but should be stripped of any hostility, dominance, attack, or interference against humanity. Judaism is a Rafidhi-unorthodox belief-community of Iranian origin like Yazidism, Alawism, Ahl-e Haqq, Bábism, Hashashinism, Bahá’ísm, Druze, and Zionism is the secular-nationalist modern expression of this Rafidhi sect. Like Turkist Kemalism, Kurdish Apoism, Arabist Baathism, Zionism is one of the nationalist Rafidhi sects invented by the West in the modern era.

The issue, first and foremost, is to completely end the narrative of a religious root associated with Judaism, to enable this community to merge and dissolve into the human family like all other communities, and to recognize religion of Moses as an individual belief belonging to the same Abrahamic monotheistic faith tradition, like Christianity and Islam. Jews who accept this belief can be called followers of Moses. In essence, true Christians and true Muslims are also Mosaic, Abrahamic. In fact, anyone who does not deify any living or dead person, does not worship any tyrant, oppressor, race, nationality, tribe, state, money, or lust, and who objects to any tyrant, exploitation, and injustice anywhere in the world, regardless of their compulsory or acquired religious, racial, or belief identity, belongs to the nation of Abraham. That is, they are Hanif, Mosaic, Christian, and Muslim.

Humanity, i.e., goodness, justice, freedom, are the ancient values of the nation of Abraham. And Jews should be evaluated by all humanity in comparison to and as members of these values. Israel and the Zionist Jewish lobby are enemies of humanity as long as they are hostile to these values, just as anyone who does not comply with the Abrahamic values, regardless of whether they are Muslim, Christian, socialist, nationalist, Western, Eastern, Turkish, Kurdish, Arab, Iranian, Russian, European, Chinese, etc., is a hypocrite and an enemy of humanity. This is the ultimate measure and final word regarding Judaism.

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