Revolutionary Greeting to Aleppo and Damascus!

10 December 2024

The recapture of Aleppo on November 29 panicked the deep Western crusader powers and their regional collaborators—Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and, of course, Israel. The Syrian revolution was continuing where it left off, and evil front could not complete the Andalusization of Syria, that is, the operation to cleanse it of Muslims, which they had been turning a blind eye to for 13 years, on the contrary, the situation was reversed again. Every kind of crusader apparatus that masked its Islamophobia with ethnic, sectarian, or ideological pretexts was shocked by the surprising conquest of Aleppo. All the elements, human garbage dumps that alienated themselves from understanding the meaning and mission of this land, from Islam, and from the Islamic community—ranging from westernized Kurdist gangs to Shamanist Mongol-descended Turkish nationalists, from hypocritical pro-Iranian Persian lackeys more loyal to Iran than Iranians, to secular Kemalists or sectarian leftists, whether Westernist or pro-Russian, all kinds of Islamophobics and Ottomanphobics, all focusesses of evil— have been trying to denigrate this great move by slandering the Syrian revolutionaries for days. Of course, the war is not over, and it will continue until the liberation of Bilad al-Sham.

There is enough daily analysis of what is happening. Let us take this opportunity to remind you of an article I wrote ten years ago about the historical background of the subject. Let’s get to know the Crusader cannibals and their collaborators well, including their past, let’s never forget them and their past, and let’s make our children memorize them and their past. The war will never end, let’s never forget:

Lessons from Syria: The New Crusade and the Jihad of the Dignity

According to the statement of French Academy member Funck Brentano; when the crusader group, which was no different from a herd of wild animals, attacked the Anatolian lands in 1096, they dismembered the Muslim children they captured near Iznik, threaded their meat on skewers, roasted it over the fire, and swallowed it raw. When they reached Antioch, at the insistence of their priest Pierre I’Ermit, they collected the corpses of the Muslims lying on the ground one by one and separated their flesh from their bones; then they salted it, cooked it and satiate their hunger.  Brentano continues in his work, quoting the following chilling lines from Chanson d’Antioche, which the French consider their “national epic” (!):

“When the crusaders before Antioch complained of hunger, the Christian cleric Pierre L’Ermite offered this advice: ‘Your hunger is due to your cowardice. Collect the corpses of the Turks! If salted and cooked, they will taste even better!’ Following his counsel, the crusaders did as he suggested.” (Funck Brentano, “Les Croisades,” Paris, 1934, p. 24.)

One of the Christian historians, Ch. Mills, on the other hand, talks about the nauseating cruelty of Bohémond, the grandson of King Philippe I of France:

 “In Antioch Bohémond had slaughtered  few Turkish captives, roasted their flesh in full view of all others, and announced that he came to satisfy his appetite.”  (Ch. Mills, “Histoire des Croisades – Haçlı Seferleri Tarihi”, s. 66, 183.)

In the letter they sent to the Pope in 1099 AD, the leaders of the crusader group did not hesitate to openly state that they fed themselves by eating the meat of the Muslims they killed during the famine that prevailed in Aleppo-Maarra.

As a matter of fact, Rudolf of Caen, one of the French historians, talked about these disgusting acts of theirs and said: “Our soldiers boiled the adults of the non-believers (Muslims) in Maarra with boiling water in cooking cauldrons; They killed the children by putting them on skewers and then grilled them and ate them.” (Amin Maalouf, “The Crusades Through Arab Eyes,” London, al-Saqi Books, 1984, p. 38.)

The Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos’s daughter, Anna, described these crusaders as “barbarians” in her book The Life of Alexios Komnenos and noted: “One of their greatest entertainments was to kill, roast, and eat Muslim children they came across.” Fuller also pointed out that these children were at very young ages and writes: “Even children who did not even know how to beg not to be slaughtered, who had not yet begun to speak, and women whose weakness was usually a reason for forgiveness in the face of the blows of a heroic warrior, were slaughtered.” (Thomas Fuller, “Holy War: The History of the Crusades,” Vol. 1, Chapter 24.)

After the Crusader invasion, the Spanish church, which could not tolerate the Muslims establishing a great civilization in Andalusia, began to pressure the Andalusian Muslims under their rule to become Christians or leave the region; after a short time, the pressure, torture and violence imposed on the Muslim people in the region through the Inquisition courts reached unbearable level.

Gustave le Bon explains in his work “Civilasition des Arabes” that the barbarity and oppression inflicted on Muslims by Christians in Spain reached the level of brutality and genocide:

“It is not possible to read the stories of all kinds of oppression and massacres committed by the victorious Christians against the defeated Muslims without trembling! They forced Muslims to convert, handed them over to the Inquisition to be burned alive. In order to settle these matters quickly, the high priest of Toledo ordered that all Arabs who did not accept Christianity be put to the sword. The Dominican Order priest took even more direct action. He ordered that all Muslims, including women and children, be beheaded. Three million Arabs—representing Spain’s intellectual and industrial elite—were either killed or exiled from the peninsula. Their brilliant civilization that had illuminated Europe for eight centuries was extinguished forever. Compared to these terrible massacres, the “The Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre” (the night of the massacre of Protestants by Catholics) remains like a simple brawl. It must also be admitted that even among the most brutal invaders, not a single person can be cited as having committed such terrible massacres!” (Gustave Le Bon, “Civilisation of the Arabs,” pp. 129, 160.)

Famous French philosopher Roger Garaudy says the following about the modern situation of this Crusader tradition: “The West has an inherent tendency toward massacres. What shall I remind you of? The extermination of Native Americans? The slave trade? Hiroshima? Auschwitz? This is Christian Western civilization!.. Do you know that 80% of the world’s wealth is controlled and consumed by 20% of its population? That 40 million people die annually—a Hiroshima every day? They first stoke the flames, then play the role of firefighters! We are still living in the age of crusades…”*

It is the first quarter of the 21st century and we are in Syria, currently under attack from the last Crusade. For 13 years, the massacres and atrocities committed in Syria have been documented and made public to the world, which has chosen to remain a passive observer. In recent years, the focus has shifted solely to the issue of refugees, while the perpetrators—Assad’s fascist Nusayri Ba’ath regime, its supporters in Rafidite Iran, and the crusader Russian forces, along with their enablers in the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Gulf states—are hardly mentioned. The narrative falsely implies that the Syrian people arbitrarily decided to migrate, burdening Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, and European countries with new waves of migrants. All the infidel lovers in Türkiye and in the world, who made the perpetrators forget and became hostile to a people only based on the consequences, almost completed the work left unfinished by Assad fascism and went on a campaign to hunt down every Syrian. The same crusader hatred from a thousand years ago still burns strong. While the ongoing atrocities openly seen even through censored media images, those responsible for the campaigns against Syrians continue to live without shame.

After the Ottomans withdrew, British and French armies invaded Syria, committing similar atrocities in 1920–21 by bombing Syrian cities to suppress resistance. Parallel to the Anatolian War of Independence, the people in Syria organized and resisted under the name of the Syrian National Forces, and the invaders destroyed major cities such as Damascus, Hama and Homs by bombing them with warcrafts. Records state that tens of thousands of civilians were brutally murdered in torture chambers and prison camps during this period.

Today, the Syrian revolution started as a rebellion against the massacres and oppression of the Arab nationalist Baath fascism, which was the representative of the crusaders almost a thousand years ago and the Western invader-looking crusaders a hundred years ago. The revolution developed as a people’s movement in the truest sense of the word, with the participation of Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds and Muslims, as well as many Nusayri and Durzi tribes and some Christian groups. Baath fascism, supported by the West, Russia and Iran, became increasingly brutal in the face of the collapse of the 60-year-old mafia order and committed a complete crusade brutality, without recognizing any moral, humanitarian or religious rules and principles. While the order established by England and France were collapsing step by step with the silent revolution in Türkiye and the Arab spring, western imperialist powers tried to stop the new order that begins to emerge in the region, both to respond to resurrection of the Ottoman spirit and also to carry out their own internal showdowns by triggering this brutality with the blood of Muslim people in Syria through a proxy war. This human tragedy, in which Russia and Iran, the allies of the British in the east, took the stage as accomplices of Baath fascism, was recorded in history as a great test of humanity and its values, beyond its political meaning.

Humanity, conscience, honor, justice… It has once again been revealed how important these and similar concepts are, and that in the final analysis, these concepts are the most ancient measure at the root of all divisions. Everyone showed how human they are and how dignified they are by standing in the row that suits them. Even those who had the slightest confusion about Syria, the score they received in the test of humanity has become indisputably clear, based on where they stand. There has been an eternal crossroads with those who are not on the side of the glorious and honorable resistance of the Syrian people. Whether they are Muslims or something else, there is nothing left to talk about or argue with, on any issue, with those who sided with the oppressors in the Syrian revolution.

So, what else does this atrocity in Syria tell us? The Syrian revolution heralded a very vital and historical awakening, despite the heavy and devastating costs, in the process of resurrection of the Ottoman remnant peoples after a hundred years. This awakening demonstrates that our people have regained their ability to resist and oppose oppressive systems and have taken their destiny into their own hands. This is so significant that it stands as perhaps the most important lesson of recent history: it has taught us the value of civil power in society. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed, resistance and wars were primarily military efforts, lacking substantial support from the civilian population. In neither the Middle East nor the Balkans were civilians equipped with the means to defend themselves. This was because, by its final years, the Ottoman state had become thoroughly disconnected from its people, engaging with them only to collect taxes and conscript soldiers. With a style of government that was incapable of arming even the people who were subjected to countless attacks in the Balkans, the Ottoman Empire, while entering the First World War, retired the old officers and renewed the army with the special efforts of Enver Pasha, and through Enver Pasha’s initiatives made some progress with the sects, dervish lodges, tribes and associations that he organized in many provinces thanks to the freedom environment of the Constitutional Monarchy. However, as the Ottoman armies retreated from the Balkans, Jerusalem, Medina, Baghdad, and Damascus, they left behind unorganized, defenseless, unarmed, and impoverished masses. While this vulnerability had many causes, an important takeaway for today is that the lack of civilian resistance when British and French forces entered Cairo, Istanbul, and Jerusalem sheds light on the importance of understanding contemporary civil resistance movements.

When considered alongside this historical vulnerability, it becomes evident that the resistance of the Syrian people—sustained for years with patience, courage, and faith despite all costs—holds a deeper meaning. Indeed, this civil resistance and determination, which the Crusaders and their collaborators have never understood, manifested in Türkiye as a democratic transformation against the tutelage system, in Egypt as an unprecedented uprising of millions against the coup, in Tunisia as an effort of democratic endurance and civil solidarity, and in Syria as a people’s war and a revolution of liberation. Perhaps for the first time, peoples, not states, took center stage, and this stage demonstrated the first-ever genuine use of the “right of nations to self-determination,” which Wilson fabricated to dismantle the Ottoman Empire and Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin fervently embraced for new divisions post-World War II. Muslim peoples have begun to overthrow the pro-Western states, which were essentially covert colonies or Crusader cantons, replacing them with paths of self-determination rooted in their own wills.

The Syrian people have responded to tyranny with a truly magnificent jihad to shape their destiny with freedom and honor. This jihad, as the crusader propaganda network tries to show, is intended to be tarnished by the murders of Iran, Israel, Assad and the US-backed Blackwater type ISIS/Daesh gangs. However, in reality, the resistance organized by the civilian population with their own strength continues with the volunteer army of hundreds of thousands and the devoted support of millions of Syrians. This glorious civil jihad, which Western media tries to obscure, has shown how a people’s test of faith and dignity can produce an epic. This revolution has also openly exposed the hypocrisy of the West regarding democracy and human rights. The only lesson they have learned from their crimes in Bosnia, Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq is to make Muslims kill Muslims through hypocrites, rather than engaging non-Muslims in the massacre. The evil regimes named Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, on behalf of the West, rushed their hypocrite packs of murderers under the names of Hezbullat, Hashd al-Shaabi, Isid, Fatimiyun, etc., to the aid of Assad’s Shabiha and they all together tried to strangle the revolution by massacring the free resisters of Syria.

At this point, so-called analyzes on Syria that confuse people with demagogy and hostility should no longer be listened to. Those who find excuses for submissive comments and hostility towards the revolution due to the oppression that caused even the Syrian people not to complain but to embrace the resistance with more determination should be left alone with their own fear and discord. On the contrary, it is time to show a stronger morale and self-sacrifice that will carry the resistance to victory by trying to learn from this willpower that resists and is undefeated against almost the whole world. After all, the way that this drama, brutality and honorable jihad happening right next to us is evaluated in, will determine everyone’s own fate in the future. Surely, those who incline toward the oppressors will share their fate.

The forces trying to suppress and punish the awakening of the Muslim peoples in Türkiye and Syria are becoming increasingly brutal against the Syrian revolutionaries, who are showing a more determined willpower to resist for the first time, rather than cowering and stepping back. This policy, pursued even at the cost of violating their own so-called values, will inevitably strike back at their own homes.

For those whose hearts beat with the revolutionary Syrian people, the dignity of resisting with honor against these last hordes of crusaders and their hypocritical collaborators is enough. Saladin’s homeland will destroy the new Assassin gangs, Fatimid Rafidism and crusader invaders and pave the way for the establishment of a new regional Dar es-Salaam -land of peace- as a historical, geographical and spiritual part of Anatolia with its free will. This is the real resistance front and the crusader colony called Israel will then be removed from our great homeland. This war is an ancient expedition of dignity that has both defeat and victory.

Victory is a simple reward; the campaign is an eternal journey. The measure of our dignity is our campaign. God does exist, and there is no problem.

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